Healing Touch Health Care redefines the standards of best healthcare services in the town. Equipped with all the basic facilities to diagnose and treat the patient with comfortable infrastructure, friendly environment, hospitality and the personal care given to each person makes it different from any other system. Patients are managed on the basis of selected guidelines by the hospital academic panel. Whole staff makes it a point to serve you with dedication, dignity, commitment and utmost care.
General OPDs are open from 8:00AM to 02:00PM
Appointment OPDs from 04:00 PM to 6:PM.
OPD remains closed on Sunday.
You can book OPD appointment by phone and choose your appointment time slot of your choice if available. Patients are seen as per their given scheduled time but you also can book a PRIORITY appointment. If your doctor has to leave OPD for any emergency purpose, you are well informed about it and adjustments are made to suit your convenience within the OPD timings. For details enquire at the reception.
If your doctor feels that you shoud be admitted for your treatment and the facilities for the required treatment are present in the centre you are given a ward bed as per your choice on availibility. After completing admission formalities at the front desk you are taken to your bed by hospital hospitality executive and required instructions are conveyed to the ward nursing staff. Every patient who gets admission has to fill up ‘ADMISSION CONSENT FORM’ and sign it.
When the First Responsible Doctor decides that your treatment can be managed at home and decides to discharge you from the hospital, on his discharge instructions your final bill is settled and you are given a discharge slip with summary of the treatment given during your stay in the hospital along with your investigation reports in original and further treatment instructions and date of follow up visit.
During your treatment, if certain conditions develop which require special care and if facilities are not available in this set up currently , you/ responsible guardian are advised to take further treatment from appropriate facilities. A general referral note is given to you stating purpose for referral.
PIN 262501.
e-mail : h_t_healthcare@yahoo.com
9837529400 (Hindi)
8937865314 (English)
Please check notice above.
Healing Touch Hospital, Pithoragarh is committed to take care of your health.